Donations, Voluntary Contributions, Payments
We would like to thank all of our donors and sponsors! Your support allowed us to start this Internet portal, which is continuously being developed in order to give the world access to valuable teachings of Himalaya Masters of Wisdom. Among others, we created a Library of precious spiritual teachings. At the moment we are creating an Esoteric Encyclopaedia Himalaya-Wiki. We have started the Correspondence Spiritual University of Himalaya (in two languages), which evokes a real interest among people. We have also created a Podcast Radio, which broadcasts interesting programmes with the teachings of Himalaya Swami and the lectures of Himalaya-Swami. Most of the things are accessible in Polish language, because of their origins. However, we would like to make those worthy spiritual teachings, whose number has grown to over a few thousands, accessible to the world, at least in English and Spanish. We are doing our best but our financial possibilities are limited, therefore we ask You for donations and support…
Your donations help us maintain our Internet services (e.g. HTS, Himalaya-Wiki, podcast servers), we also pay for professional translators who gradually translate the books and scripts by Himalaya Swami into English and Spanish. We also print leaflets, posters, brochures and books. We also give our financial support to our Spiritual Master Himalaya Swami (the author of the teachings which we place on our website and translate).
You can make a donation in two ways:
1. Via the Internet (online) – Just click one of the banners below and make a donation using PAY-PAL or DOTPAY service (it is available for a variety of credit cards and other ways of transferring money online).
2. Direct payment to our account in Poland. Make a donation or transfer your money to the account whose number you can see below (you can do it with the help of a post office or any bank that serves international transfers).
The account owner: "CZWARTE OKO"
The name of the bank: BRE BANK SA – mBank
Country: POLAND
Account number: PL 64 1140 2004 0000 3202 7437 1470
You can make a donation in two ways:
1. Via the Internet (online) – Just click one of the banners below and make a donation using PAY-PAL or DOTPAY service (it is available for a variety of credit cards and other ways of transferring money online).
2. Direct payment to our account in Poland. Make a donation or transfer your money to the account whose number you can see below (you can do it with the help of a post office or any bank that serves international transfers).
The name of the bank: BRE BANK SA – mBank
Country: POLAND
Account number: PL 64 1140 2004 0000 3202 7437 1470
Remember, we do not act for profits. We sacrifice all our free time, give all our skills and commitment to spread the Spiritual Message of Himalaya. Help us by giving us some financial support...
Let the Blessing of Shree Lakshmi Devi
The Goddess of Prosperity and Welfare
Always be with all the donors and sponsors!
Om Lakshaya Namah! Om Bhadram!
Om Kubveraya Namah!